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Books for Early Elementary Children

St. Bernard.png
   Each book shares a special message for children to learn
Lola & Friends
Ages 4 - 9

*Special Message to children:                     (Building confidence)


This book focuses on cultivating self-confidence

Lola is a timid dog who struggles to try new things. She loves playing with her friends—but hesitates to join their adventures because she keeps saying, "I can't! I can't!"

One day, after.....

Ages: 4 - 9
Book Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
Learning about Stranger Danger
Ages 4 - 9

  *Special message to children:    (Protecting yourself from strangers)


This book educates children on the importance of recognizing and responding to stranger danger

Ages: 4 - 9
Book Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
Diesel and Nova
A Tale of Friendship
Ages 4 - 9
 *Special message to children:        (Learn how to make new friends)

"This story follows a dog named Diesel who hesitates to make new friends. He meets a companion named Nova, who tries to help him, but things don’t always go smoothly."
Ages: 4 - 9
Book Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
Stella and The Boys
Ages 3 - 9
 *Special message to children:           (Learn how to share)

In this story, Stella's family adopts two more dogs, Donny and Colby. Stella takes on the role of an older sister, helping her new brothers learn how to share their dog toys. 
Ages: 3 - 9
Book Size: 8.5" x 8.5"